By Gemma Tedaldi | Published: 20th June 2015 | Updated: 22nd May 2023
After an early start to get to our flight, we reached the airport only to be told our flight was delayed by 4 hours… Airport day it is!
So finally after boarding the plane at 2pm we were told we couldn’t fly yet due to a departures queue… We should of landed in Singapore by now haha! Bonus is we’ve had plenty of time to look up places we want to visit in the few days we have in Singapore, including afternoon tea in a fancy hotel!
When we finally arrived into Singapore we went to the hostel dropped our bags then straight to eat and take in the sights of Singapore at night.
I’m most definitely in love with Singapore! It has a wonderful atmosphere about it, everyone’s friendly and just wandering around the bay with everything lit up is incredible! We even made it to Marina Sands hotel and went up to the skypark on the roof…
Now for sleep and dreaming of what Singapore had to offer tomorrow!
G x
Enjoy it!
Hi Gemma Thanks for yet more lovely photos. It all looks amazing. Were you poorly from the mushroom incident ? Hope not. Village fun day today. Weather not too good but at least it isn’t raining – yet. Shame as this week has been really hot and sunny. Keep enjoying everything !! Lots of love Nan
Hey grangi! No it wasn’t too bad a mushroom incident! Did you get my letter yet by the way? x