By Gemma Tedaldi | Published: 28th March 2018 | Updated: 1st November 2023
So it’s your first trip to China and you’re wondering where to go, what to see, what to eat etc. Well look no further The Travelling Tedaldi has you covered! Here are my 7 travel tips to know before you visit China to help;
1 – Toilets
First things first, toilets. You may be used to your ‘western’ toilet but you will struggle to find any throughout the majority of China. So yes you will have to grin and bear with the dreaded squat toilet, but believe me, they aren’t all as bad as they seem, and you’ll have super strong calves by the end of your time in China too! TOP TIP; If you are out and about in a main town/city with high-end hotels, however, hop in and head straight to the back, they generally have ‘western’ toilets you can use!
2 – The Language barrier
The Chinese are a friendly bunch of people so don’t be put off if you are ignored when you attempt to talk to them. It is seen as almost a thing of embarrassment if you talk to them and they can not talk back to you in English so many would rather stay quiet and pretend you didn’t say anything. This was off-putting at first but after a while, it is perfectly understandable, like me trying to speak Chinese to someone who has the language as their mother tongue!

3 – Overnight trains
Overnight trains are generally the best way to get from city to city with the least amount of hassle and money spent on buses/accommodation. They can and will take hours, I went on one for 16 hours straight, but as long as you have some good company, a stash of food and some playing cards the time will fly by. TOP TIP; Make sure you get a top bunk if you’re in a sleeper carriage, it may be more hassle to get up and down from but you won’t risk a stranger stepping on your feet in the night or a lovely Chinese man spitting on the floor next to you… Talking of spitting…
4 – Eating etiquette
Spitting and slurping your food/drink in China is not seen as a bad habit, rather a sense that you are enjoying your food and wish to let others know. So go ahead, join in and slurp away at your tea and noodles, or pig knuckles!
Check out our post on China – Top 10 must do experiences
5 – The Food
I can’t give you 7 travel tips to know before you visit China and not mention the food. The food everywhere is amazing. Unfortunately, none of my food hung around long enough for me to take a photo of it but believe me it is incredible! Think it will be like the Chinese takeaway you have down the road? Think again! Seriously try as many street foods/night markets/family run restaurants as you can just to fully immerse yourself in the food! One thing you must do is eat as a big group, be it with the group you are travelling with or other solo travellers. This means you get to pick a wider variety of food and try a heck of a lot more for your money! (You’ll be surprised at just how much food you can get with not a lot of money!) Don’t be afraid to try some of the more weird and wonderful things too such as chickens feet and silkworms. Chickens feet get a massive thumbs up from me, silkworms… Not so much!
6 – Countryside China
Get out and about away from the main towns/cities and into the luscious landscapes, surrounding yourself with rice fields, tea plantations and generally beautiful landscapes. The contrast between the cities and more rural areas is perfect if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of Beijing, Shanghai or Xiamen! So get out to Wuyishan, Hangzhou or Guilin instead.
7 – Use your feet
Walk/cycle everywhere! This is a generalised rule I always like to try and follow anywhere, purely as it allows you to take in your surroundings much more than if you were in a taxi or on a bus. If you can fully engross yourself in the sights, smells and sounds of a place you know you have truly experienced it.
So there you have it, 7 travel tips to know before you visit China that will hopefully help you whilst either travelling through China or when you are planning on taking a trip there! Any questions give me a message below!
Planning your own trip to China? Make sure you check out our Travelling Tedaldi Amazon Store Travel Guides for all your guidebooks and maps. (We’ve done the hard work for you and linked all the things we used to plan our trip!)
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Gemma (i.e The Travelling Tedaldi)
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Gemma is the owner and author of The Travelling Tedaldi, a travel blog helping travellers to discover the best road trips and travel itineraries throughout the UK and Europe. When she isn’t writing about her favourite travel destinations, she can often be found out exploring local hikes or planning future trips.
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